Sunday, September 11, 2005


Why is it that the moment you tell someone not to do something...the person immediately does it. I mean...I'm telling you not to read this...but you are still reading it...
C'mon..stop it. I'm telling you not to!
Let it be...let not curiosity become you!
Let it go!
I mean it...!

Sigh...What can be done? Curiosity is the always!..Still reading right? ok...fine! I guess I'd better write something so as to satify your curiosity. But let me warn you...again...stop reading!

Ok here goes...

"Once upon a time, there was a cat. And the cat was an extremely curious cat. But that I mean that the cat had a curious nature, and not that the cat was of a curious disposition that it made other cats stare at him going "Ye gods! What a curious cat!" No. It wasn't that sort of curiousity. If you know what I mean. Anyway, this cat, the curious one, not the one with the curious disposition, was taking a stroll through the kitchen. As it passed, it noticed the fire in the fireplace. As it had never seen a fire before, (being new to the scene and all that...) it took a long look at it and said "What the F*** is that?" (as we all know, cats are pretty vain creatures, and they think thay can say pretty much anything on TV or err...Internet...its all the same to them) Anyway, the stupid cat was entranced by the flames licking the black couldron and ventured to investigate the source of this enchantment. It went closer, and closer. The heat increasing with each step. Until its face was nearly touching the flames...

After that...I'm afraid the story tethers out. By the way, I've no idea what happens to the cat. I did a google search as well; but the story of how "Curiosity killed the cat" is not in existence. Weird huh!

Anyway, it wasn't my fault you read it. I told you not to.

Tata for now!

1 comment:

Mark said...

All those who did the google search...please! have GOT to stop being so curious!