Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sarah Silverman is a poor excuse for a human being

The recent MTV Movie Awards demonstrated the level of human dignity that the world has been plunged into.

Sarah Silverman opens the show with a racist joke. Then, humiliates veteran actors and actresses and finally ridicules, insults and humiliates Paris Hilton. There's no excuse for such base behaviour. It is beneath human dignity.

Sarah Silverman continued to insult fellow actresses by referring to them as....well...watch the clip. Even if the famous Sarah Silverman uses such bad language; it is beneath my dignity to use it even to describe what she said.

The audience continued to clap her through her vicious so called "jokes", thereby endorsing and encouraging her attacks at members of the acting community. Even though the people in the audience continued to smile, their eyes indicated that the "jokes" were unwelcome and would rather have walked out than continue to listen to a person with no sense of compassion, empathy or even basic manners. Her behaviour instead demonstrated a sadistic, nasty and vile nature that sullied and depraved the entire movie awards ceremony.

What was to be a glamorous ceremony full of culture, glamour and festivities turned out ugly and disgusting after Silverman's attacks; leaving the ceremony in ruins. It would have been completely appropriate if the audience decided to leave the ceremony in disgust. However, the audience are not to blame as they too, being ill educated in the basic manners and ethics (hollywood mentality) were unable to decide what action to take in the situation.

It is important that people realize the importance of civility in society. Ethics, manners and civility are no longer taught in schools and are partly to blame for their low levels in today's world. While the media promotes, encourages and even praises bad behaviour, the people should consciously realize that it is wrong and make the effort to bring back these values into the world.

Let there be respect and dignity for everyone regardless of their race, religion, colour or status.


Viswanathan said...

It is par for the course.

An MTV movie awards show is a showcase for nasty and depraved behaviour.

Sarah Silverman's behaviour merely reflects the depravity of the whole MTV culture.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah, man up Nancy! She's a comedian known for her rough humor. If you think this is bad, you obviously don't watch stand up very often. Anyway, who cares? You're as offended as you want to be, but in your case, you might need life-saving surgery to remove that stick up your ass. Try turning off the TV next time, before you're forced to have another one of these crying jags. Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I also wanted to add... CULTURE? You think the MTV awards has culture. I'm flabbergasted. I guess you're one of those people who thinks eating a taco is an exciting, in-depth adventure into the Mexican cultural experience. MMM, taco.

Anonymous said...

Hey, person above, you said "Who cares?" about this blogger's comment about Silverman. well, the author obviously does care, and since this is the author's blog, I think writing the author's opinion is perfectly fit. Try not commenting on people's blog next time, before you're forced to have another one of these attacks to freedom of expression and opinion. See the irony?