Monday, March 28, 2005

Mugging and Studying!

This is a deviation from my regular posts because it's short. (I'm a kinda busy with assignments and ....well anyway here it is)

It's usually the brainy ones who get the lecturer's attention. And I thought it appropriate to put down a list of attention grabbers for the not so gifted.

Tips for drawing attention to yourself at class! (Subtle deviations, that get the desired effect, yet not enough to get you thrown out of the class)

1. Interupt the lecturer in a crucial part of the lecture and tell him that he talks too fast. (It's best to arrange for some of your friends to agree at this point)
2. Drop your instrument box on the floor. (Thrice is more than enough. 4 times will get you the boot)
3. Pretend to faint. (Don't be afraid to lie on the floor for a while)
4. Come in late from the back of the class, and walk right upto the front row and sit directly in front of the teacher saying "Excuse me" as you do so.
5. If you're sitting in the last row, make a vomiting sound, hold your mouth, run right down the class and exit through the front door hurriedly.
6. When the lecturer announces a change in date for a midterm or assignment (or anything really, it doesn't matter). Shout "What the Hell??" so that everyone hears.
7. Laugh raucously when the lecturer makes his one and only corny joke for the semester.
8. Suddenly take your textbook and bang it on your head repeatedly.

This should be enough to keep you/lecturer occupied for a while. Until next time, Happy Mugging!

PS: You won't believe this, but mugging means studying in Singapore!


Mark said...

My friend does!! :D

praseodym said...

I know this sounds weird but unfortunately mugging does mean studying in sg...