Friday, March 11, 2011

pdfsam for Merging and Splitting pdf Files (free)

pdfsam is one of the most useful tools I have been using recently in joining and splitting pdf files. Adobe Reader doesn't do it, and Adobe Acrobat is just too expensive for me. pdfsam is an opensource free alternative to Adobe Acrobat and works like a charm. The website is You can also support the developer by donating some money as well. Please do so if you can afford it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quote of the Century

One of my previous bosses used to look at a pile of CV's, pick up half of it by random and stick it in the bin saying "I don't want to work with unlucky people"

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Lamborghini makes Tractors

Lamborghini makes Tractors - Whoda thought it. They look damn cool too.





Tuesday, March 08, 2011

365 Days of Exercise

Exercise and its benefits seen clearly.

365 Days Of Exercise - Watch more Funny Videos

Patrickjmt - Another online teacher

Woah....just stumbled across a VERY close competitor to Sal Khan's Patrick from does only math....but he's made hundreds of videos as of the same style as Khan....I wonder who started the idea first. But the websites sure look similar, except that Khan covers other subjects as well as Maths. I wonder if the two of them know about each others websites. Anyway this is soooo COOL. This is the future of education.

The Binomial Theorem by Patrickjmt -

Monday, March 07, 2011

Khan Academy and Trignometry Website

For those struggling with math, maybe this website about trignometry can help you.

Another good website for studies is the Khan Academy.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011