My reason for blogging is to bring some entertainment to anyone who would care to read it. But heck, I've come across blogs where their whole lives are described to the minutest detail that you feel that yanking your hair out with a huge plier would be less painful.
And seriously, who on "EARTH" would read it? Hopefully there's life "out there" if only to read blogs like these to gain information enough to invade Earth. At least then, we'd know that the hideous blog was useful to someone/something in this universe.
I would argue that it is extremely dangerous to post so much of information on the internet. Why, a burgler need only read a victim's blog to know that the lonely bachelor lives at such and such street and leaves home at 11.29 p.m to "Club Doas" everyday in a pitiful attempt to woo a "possible wife" and comes back only at 4.30 a.m after being rejected for like the 30th time for the night where he promptly sits down at his computer and types the whole sorry episode in his blog. A burgler need only read until the part where he describes how he had "so much trouble bending down (because of the gout in his spine) to pick up the spare house key under the flower pot and couldn't get up again because his left foot suddenly decided to sleep" to know the time and place to pilfer the idiot silly.
Idiotic public blogs with photographs of family, friends, relatives, home, school, left wart, right wart, pimple 1, pimple 2 .... pimple 1483; with so much detail that even the CIA, FBI, MI5 and many others are probably just visiting your blog every few days to update the information on their databases.
What all this boils down to is...if you're gonna write a blog, make it interesting literature with as little detail of your real life as possible. And please resist the temptation to document "the ecstasy you experienced as you watched your left toenail grow for 3 weeks without blinking an eyelid". I'm sure we can expect a call from the president any moment now.